USU Homecoming

Last week, I received an invitation to the USU Homecoming Dance.
I accepted, and thought about what to wear all week. On Friday, when I asked Tyson what he was wearing, he looked down at his jeans and t-shirt, and said, “This.” Jeans and a t-shirt it was for me too.
When we got there, it was totally happening. There were so many people there, and then we discovered… FOOD!

They had sliders, brownies, sugar cookies, and this blue drink Tyson and I decided had to have some sort of pineapple in it.
Once we got food, we were pretty much set. We sat down and people watched, only moving to another couch when we realized that there were too many people around us.

We did absolutely no dancing.

the night we became true aggies

I can’t believe I haven’t written about this yet, but I just saw the pictures on my computer recently and I realized that I hadn’t…

One of my favorite things about Logan is how involved the community is with its university. There are Utah State posters everywhere and “aggie” everything. At the end of the summer, there was a poster hanging outside of all of the supermarkets that said, “Welcome Back Students” or something along those lines, and it had the Utah State colors as the background. That’s when I decided that I liked this, even though I’m not a student here. It makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger.

The first week of school, there was a blue moon. I’m not sure how a blue moon is different than a full moon, but I know that all blue moons are full moons, but not all full moons are blue moons. Anyway, on full moons, you’re supposed to go out and kiss an Aggie on top of Block A at midnight in order to become a true aggie.

That night, it had started sprinkling and it was close to midnight. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to go out, but I love traditions, so we went. It was the first full moon of the school year, 80’s music was playing, and I felt like I was in a John Hughes movie. Once it’s midnight, the couples line up and take turns kissing on top of Block A. I thought it would be kind of awkward to kiss in front of so many people, but with the rain and the music… It was kind of perfect.

And now a blurry picture of the little card that they gave us to prove that we’re true aggies now:

I wish we’d gotten a picture of our actual kiss. Anyone want to hang out with us and be our third wheel photographer from now on?